Manage and Tracking Issues

This document provides the information about how to manage the added issues.

  • Navigate to -> Project, Click on -> Issue.
  • Click on -> Create button of Issue.
  • To Create issue, kindly follow the Add/ amend issues document.
  • When issue record is added it automatically sets with “New” status.
  • If assigned user says raised issue is not exists, then that user marks the status as “Not an Issue”.
  • If user not started to work on the issue, then mark the status as “Pending”.
  • To track the in-progress state mark the issue status as “In- Progress”.
  • When that issue gets closed mark the status as “Fixed” and save the record.
  • Once issue record gets closed, it will get non editable to user.




Not an Issue



Issue In-Progress




Issue Pending



Issue Fixed