Add / Amend Zones and Location With Sub Locations and Types of Locations

User having access can only create the records of warehouse zone and locations.

Locations to be set as either Warehouse Zone locations or Operation locations.

Follow the steps below for creation of warehouse zone and locations.

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Inventory menu category.
  • Navigate to Inventory -> Warehouse Zone.
  • Displays list page of warehouse zone click on -> Create button
  • Redirects to create page on “Details” tab -> Type Warehouse Name
  • Select Warehouse from lookup for which we are creating zones and save the record.


Creation of Warehouse Zone Locations

  • Grid of Warehouse zone location will display on save naming “Locations” on detail page of Warehouse Zone.
  • Records of locations can be created either using “Quick Form” or “Full Form”.
  • Add Name for Locations.
  • Select Type of locations, “Inventory” or “Operation”
  • Select
  • Select Zone for related Warehouse.
  • Set Parent location if any.
  • Set Bin location, a location where we store Products and Components.
  • Add Descriptions if any and Save the Record.
  • As require we can also create Sub-Locations by following the same process as mentioned for creation for locations.
  • We can add multiple records of locations and sublocations for a particular Warehouse Zone.


Follow the steps below for creation of Operation Locations.

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Inventory menu category.
  • Navigate to Inventory -> Operations.
  • Displays list page of Operation location click on -> Create button
  • Redirects to create page on “Details” Tab -> Type Name for operation location.
  • Select Site from lookup.
  • Set Parent if any and mention if the location is type of “Bin”
  • Add description if any and Save the record.


  • We can also add Sub locations for operation location by following the same process of creation of operation location.