Add / Amend Site

This topic provides the information about how to set up a Site warehouse for Business units.

Before using the INP module, a minimum configuration of site is required.

Configuration and set up of a Site

Follow the steps below for configuration of site set up

Basic minimum required details to be added in “Details” Tab

  • Navigate to Admin -> Security -> Business Units.
  • Displays list page of Business unit.
  • Click on -> 'Create' button
  • Redirects to create page on “Details” tab
  • Add Name
  • Select type of Business Unit as Site
  • Set Parent a mandatory field.
  • Set Default Currency
  • Set Default Time zone
  • Add Address in Address section.


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Need to configure the formats which will behave as Application setting and will be applicable for all Date, Time, Currency fields etc.

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Email Setting

Email setting will help with sending of email through “Brilbook”.

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SMS Setting

SMS setting will help with sending of SMS through “Brilbook”.

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Location Configuration consists of different types of locations, here we can configure the default locations for the Business units.

To set default locations first we need to create the locations.

For more information regarding warehouse setup, please see the configuration of warehouse zone and location.

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Teams Configuration consist of different types of teams, on creation of Business unit teams are automatically created and configured, configured teams are authorized for Approvals and Notifications.

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