Resource Jobs

In this sub process, Creation of resource jobs for inventory movement record, is discussed

To achieve this sub process, some setup is needed as follows,

  • Create user type Resource and to know how please refer Pick & put tasks sub process.

After completing setup and to create resource job for inventory movement please refer steps given below

  • Create inventory movement record and to know how please refer Movement of stock from one location to other through inventory movement sub process in stock management record.
  • Click on -> Approval, click on -> Submit 


  • Record will be marked as “Submitted”, to mark record as “Approved” open record with user having access to approve the record.


  • Click on -> Approval, click on -> Approve button


  • Record will be marked as “Approved”, click on -> Schedule button


  • Record will be marked as “Scheduled”, Resource jobs will be created automatically and to check same navigate to Resource Job tab beside Details tab as shown below 


  • To create Resource Job manually please refer Movement of stock from one location to other through inventory movement sub process in Stock management process
  • Click on -> Resource Job record (existing)
  • Redirects to Resource Job details tab. To mark resource job as “In-Progress”, click on -> Mark In-Progress button 
  • Record will be marked as “In-Progress”, click on -> Complete button  
  • Record will be marked as “Complete” and Inventory Movement record will also be marked as “Completed”