Pick & Put Tasks

In this sub process, Creation of worker record with available resources for pick and put operations, is discussed

For this sub process, some setup is needed as follows

  • Creation of Work Calendar and time off
    • Navigate to -> Admin -> Customizations -> Business Calendar.
    • Redirects to list page of Business Calendar.
    • Click on -> Create button.
    • Add Name
    • Set type as Work Time
    • Add Start Date and End Date
    • Add Start Time
    • Add Hours Per Day
    • Click on -> Save button
    • Navigate to -> Time off tab, Click on -> Create button
    • Set type
    • Set from date and to date (if selected type is Specific Period)
    • Select days of week (if selected type is Specific Days)
    • Set time period
    • Set start time and end time
    • Add Name
    • Click on -> Save and Close button
    • Redirects to Business Calendar's details page
    • Set Status as Final
    • Click on -> Save or Save and Close button
  • Create personnel record for creating user type resource.
    • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
    • Select Job Set Up menu category.
    • Navigate to -> Job Set Up
    • Navigate to -> Job Title -> Click on -> Create button
    • Add -> Basic details and save and close the record
    • Navigate to -> Job setup -> Department
    • Click on -> Create button
    • Add -> Basic details and save and close the record
    • Navigate to -> Personnel -> Personnel
    • Click on -> Create button
    • Add -> First Name, Last Name, Type, Employee code, Joining Date, Employment type, Employment status in Basic Section
    • Add -> Personnel Details
    • Select -> Job Title and Department
    • Click on -> Save and close button
  • Create Resource and bind resource calendar to resource.
    • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
    • Select Project menu category.
    • Navigate to Project -> Resource
    • Displays list page of Resources. click on -> Create button
    • Redirects to create page on “Details” tab -> Type Name
    • Select -> Type of resource – User, Equipment or Vendor
    • Based on type selection select the user or vendor
    • Add the Capacity and Hourly Host of resource and save the record
    • Navigate to -> Availability tab.
    • Add Resource Time Off
    • Navigate to -> Competence tab
    • Add Work Calendar

After completing setup and to create resource job please refer steps given below

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Inventory menu category.
  • Navigate to -> Inventory, click on -> Worker 
  • Redirects to list page of warehouse worker, click on -> Create button
  • Redirects to create page of worker, select -> Warehouse (for which worker is required)
  • Select -> Worker (resource)
  • Click on -> Save or Save & Close button