Component Set up and Dimensions

Components are nothing but spare parts used for manufacturing of end Products by combining one or more components together makes a final product.

Defining dimensions for the components makes easy for production team to provide proper requirement for producing final product.

Follow the steps below for Creation and Amendments of Components.

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Inventory menu category.
  • Navigate to -> Inventory -> Components.
  • Displays list page of Components.
  • Click on -> Create button.
  • Redirects to create page on “Details” tab.
  • Add Name for Component.
  • Add Class.
  • Select Component Category.
  • Add Component Code.
  • Select and set Unit Group for the component.
  • In Unit look up unit records related to selected unit group will be displayed.
  • Initially default Currency of the user get sets which is editable.
  • Add Standard price and Current Price for the Component.
  • In Configuration section select Material, means what the component is made from.
  • Type is a text field in which user can add data regarding Material of the component.
  • Add Color if any.
  • Select Consumption type as “Item” or “Service”.
  • Set Consumption pattern for the component and define Length, Width, Thickness, Inner Diameter, Outer Diameter, Density, Height, Weight and Diameter for selected consumption pattern.
  • Set Tracking approach for Component, the component can be tracked either Serial Number or Batch Number.