Add / Amend Consumption Pattern

Consumptions consists of different patterns which describes how the components to be utilized according to the mentioned dimensions and applied patterns.

Defining Consumption pattern for the components makes easier to production department to utilize the components with low risk of being component to be wasted or moved to scrap.

Follow the steps below for creation and amendments of components

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Management menu category.
  • Navigate to -> Management -> Consumption Pattern
  • Displays list page of Consumption Pattern
  • Click on -> Create button
  • Redirects to create page on “Details” tab
  • Add Name for Consumption Pattern
  • Select Type for Consumption Pattern as “Units” or “Dimensions”
  • In Units type pattern, consumption of that component will be done as per units, only available units will be considered.
  • By Selecting Dimensions as pattern, “Fixed Dimension” and “Consumption Dimension” fields will be displayed, In Dimension type pattern component will be consumed depending on mentioned fixed dimension and consumption pattern.