Overtime Request

  • An overtime request typically refers to the formal procedure followed by employees to request additional hours of work beyond their regular working hours. This process involves several steps, including the creation, approval, and processing of the overtime request.
    1. Creation of Overtime Request: When an employee wishes to work extra hours, they initiate the process by creating an overtime request. This request generally contains details such as the reason for the overtime, the specific date and duration requested, and any relevant tasks or projects to be completed during this time.
    2. Approval of Overtime Request: Once the overtime request is created, it is forwarded to the appropriate authority for approval. The approval process varies across organizations, but typically it involves the employee's supervisor or manager reviewing the request. The supervisor may consider factors such as workload, staff availability, budget constraints, and company policies before planning.
    3. Processed Overtime Request: Once the overtime request is approved, it moves into the processing phase. This stage involves various administrative tasks to ensure accurate tracking and payment of the additional hours worked. The relevant personnel, such as HR or payroll department, record the approved overtime hours, update employee records, calculate the associated compensation or time off entitlements, and ensure compliance with labor laws or employment agreements.
  • The execution of the overtime request process may differ based on the company's specific procedures and the tools they utilize. However, the primary aim remains consistent: to facilitate the fair, efficient, and transparent management of employee overtime while fulfilling operational requirements.