Create Overtime Profile

Overtime Profile is a Pattern or distribution of overtime hours worked by an employee over a specific period of time. While creating overtime Profile we set type of overtime and pay rate for which employee is going to be paid for.

Follow the steps given below to create Overtime Profile

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Personnel menu category.
  • Navigate to -> Personnel.
  • Open a Personnel record.
  • Navigate to -> Job Assignment, Click on -> Job Assignment record.
  • Note - On Job Assignment Detail page, Allow Overtime field should be "Yes" for a Personnel to create Overtime Profile.
  • Navigate to Overtime Profiles, Click on -> Create button.
  • Add Overtime Profile Name into Name Field. 
  • Click on -> Save button.



  • Overtime Profile Lines tab will appear.
  • Navigate to Overtime Profile Lines, Click on -> Create button.
  • Add Profile Line name into Name Field.
  • Select type & unit.
  • Add Pay Rate.
  • Click on -> Save button.
  • Overtime Profile Line will get created.

Overtime Profile Line Detail Page