Manage absence.

  • Manage absence in leave management refers to the process of creating and approving requests for employee leave absences within an organization. This involves handling the entire lifecycle of employee leaves, from the initial request to the final approval.
  • The creation of leave absence starts with employees submitting their leave requests through the leave management system. Here, employees provide details such as the type of leave (e.g., vacation, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave), the desired dates, and any additional notes or attachments.
  • Once the leave request is submitted, it undergoes an approval. This typically involves the leave request being forwarded to the respective manager or supervisor for review. The manager evaluates the request based on factors such as employee availability, workload, team schedules, and any existing leave policies or restrictions. If approved, the manager proceeds with granting the leave absence.
  • In the approval phase, the manager may also consult with other relevant stakeholders, such as HR or team leads, for further evaluation and decision-making. The leave management system facilitates seamless communication among these parties, ensuring all necessary approvals are obtained.
  • During this process, the leave management system keeps track of leave balances, allowing managers to assess the availability of leave days for each employee. It also enables managers to view a centralized calendar displaying leave periods of all employees, facilitating better resource planning and ensuring that adequate workforce coverage is maintained.
  • Upon approval, the leave management system automatically updates the employee's absence record and notifies the employee about the approved leave. The system may also communicate pertinent details, such as any required documentation or procedures to follow during the absence.