Create/ Amend Leave Profile

Leave Profile is the description of the Leaves that are currently assigned to the Personnel.

Follow the steps given below to create leave Profile.

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Personnel menu category.
  • Click on -> Personnel
  • Select Personnel record, Navigate to -> Job Assignment.
  • Click on -> Job Assignment, Navigate to -> Leave Profiles.
  • Click on -> Create button on Leave Profile.
  • Add Name.
  • Click on -> Save button.

Follow the steps given below to create Leave Profile Lines

  • After saving Leave Profile, Leave Profile Line tab gets visible.
  • Navigate to -> Leave Profile Lines.
  • Click on -> Create button.
  • Select Leave Type.
  • Add Accumulated Leave
  • Set Encashment Flag as yes or no.
  • Set Is Recurring as yes or no.
  • If Recurring flag is set as yes, then select Recurrence frequency and Day Month.
  • Set Allow Leave carry over as yes or no.
  • Click on -> Save and Close .
  • After Creating Leave Profile Line, to mark Leave Profile as Active, click on -> Mark Activate button.

Leave Profile Detail Page


Leave Profile Lines Tab On Leave Profile Detail Page


Leave Profile Line Detail Page


Mark Activate Button On Leave Profile


Activated Leave Profile