Handover Check List

  • The handover checklist is an important tool utilized during the job offboarding process. It ensures a smooth transition of responsibilities from the departing employee to their successor or team members. The checklist typically consists of three stages: creation, in-progress, and completion.
    1. Creation: At the beginning of the offboarding process, the departing employee or their supervisor should create the handover checklist. This involves listing all the tasks, projects, and responsibilities that need to be transferred to someone else. It is essential to be thorough and include all relevant details to ensure a comprehensive handover.
    2. In-progress: This stage involves actively working through the handover checklist. The departing employee needs to collaborate with their replacement or colleagues who will be taking over their duties. Together, they go through each item on the checklist, discussing important information, providing guidance, and addressing any questions or concerns. This stage is crucial in transferring knowledge, sharing important contacts, documenting processes, and ensuring a smooth transition.
    3. Completion: The final stage of the handover checklist is the completion phase. This occurs when the departing employee has successfully transferred all responsibilities and tasks to the appropriate individuals. At this point, the checklist should be reviewed and signed off by both parties to confirm that the handover process has been completed satisfactorily.
  • A well-executed handover checklist helps minimize disruptions, maintains continuity of work, and enables the incoming employee or team to quickly adjust to their new responsibilities. It ensures that crucial information is not lost during the offboarding process and allows the organization to seamlessly transition between employees.