Quote Revision, Mark Draft Quote, Update Product

Quote Revision

In this sub process, new quote record created in Draft status with quote lines from previous quote record with the help of “Revise” button. 

To perform revise functionality on quote, kindly follow below steps.

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Sales menu category.
  • Navigate to Sales -> Quote.
  • Displays list page of Quote click on -> Submitted status Quote record.
  • Redirect to details page of Quote record.
  • Click on -> Revise button.


  • Quote created in draft status and Parent Quote record get mapped in parent field.
  • Parent record of Quote status marked as “Revised”.



Mark Draft Quote

If quote is in submitted status, then to make changes in existing quote click on "Mark Draft" button.

Kindly follow below steps to draft Quote.

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Sales menu category.
  • Navigate to Sales -> Quote.
  • Displays list page of Quote click on -> Submitted status Quote record.
  • Redirect to details page of Quote record.
  • Click on -> Draft button. 


  • Quote status get updates from submitted to draft.
  • Expand -> Ellipse.
  • Approve button get visible to submit the Quote.



Update Product

After Quote creation if any product added in opportunity, then with the help of “Update Product” Add the newly added products of related opportunity to quote.

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Sales menu category.
  • Navigate to sales -> Opportunity.
  • Displays list page of Opportunity click on > Opportunity record.
  • Navigate to -> Items tab.
  • Click on -> Create button.



Kindly follow opportunity lines page to create new opportunity line.

  • Click on -> Save or Save & Close button.



  • Navigate to -> Quote Tab.
  • Click on -> Quote record.
  • Navigate to -> Items tab.


  • Click on -> Update Product button from quote lines grid.
  • Newly added opportunity lines get auto created in Quote item’s grid.