Invoice Management

This topic provides detailed information for Fulfilment, Updating and Creation of Invoice records.

Invoice Management can be defined as the process of handling and processing invoices from vendors or suppliers in an efficient, timely, and accurate manner.

An invoice for sales order is a document that itemizes the products or services that seller has provided to a buyer and request payment for those items. It is a crucial part of the sales order fulfilment processes, reflecting the final step in a transaction between a seller and a buyer.

In Brilbook, the Invoice management process includes creation of invoice and invoice line from sales order , fulfilment of invoice through Payment records, Incrementing or decrementing  invoice amount by applying invoice credit record.


The Invoice management process can be performed by all Sales users with following activities:

  1. Create/ Amend Invoice and Invoice Line using Sales Order.
  2. Create/ Amend Invoice Payment for Covering an Invoice.
  3. Adjusting Invoice amount using Invoice Credits.