Campaign Response to Lead and Opportunity

This document provide the information how to add the responses received for the campaign, as per the response status and customer convert responses to lead and opportunity. This helps to minimize the process and track the effectiveness of campaign.


Response can be converted into Lead if it is interested and received from new customer. Follow the below mentioned steps to Convert Response to Lead:

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Marketing menu category.
  • Navigate to -> Campaign Record.
  • Click on -> Interested status campaign response record.
  • If response received from New customer, then “Create Lead” button will get visible.


Detail page of Campaign Response for Create Lead


  • On click of “Create Lead” button, it will redirect to lead create page with auto fill the information.



  • After saved the lead record, related campaign response will get marked as “Processed”.



Response can be converted into Opportunity if it is interested and received from existing customer. Follow the below mentioned steps to Convert Response to Opportunity:

  • Navigate to -> Menu Category.
  • Select Marketing menu category.
  • Navigate to -> Campaign Record.
  • Open Interested status campaign response record.
  • If response received from Existing customer, then “Create Opportunity” button will get visible.


Detail page of Campaign Response for Create Opportunity


  • On click of “Create Opportunity” button, it will redirect to opportunity create page with auto fill the information.



  • After saved the opportunity record, related campaign response will get marked as “Processed”.